Leighton Ford Addresses Midsouth Conference Gathering

EDMOND, OK (April 29, 2010) – Internationally known evangelist Leighton Ford shared his testimony during the Friday worship service during the Midsouth Conference Annual Meeting that was held at Life Church April 17-18.

Ford, who is an honorary chair of the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization, has been at the forefront of four major church movements for more than half a century. He preached with brother-in-law Billy Graham for 30 years, has helped lead Evangelicals recapture the social dimensions of the gospel through his Lausanne work, inspiring a more deliberate focus on leadership development, and is now helping Evangelicals engage in contemplative living.

Ford reflected on his life as a husband, father, evangelist, brother-in-law and leader. His book The Attentive Life reflects on listening to God through the various seasons of life.

He drew from the book when he also spoke to the Ministerium on Friday. Reflecting on the story of Moses and the burning bush, he encouraged the pastors to “pay attention . . . be astonished . . . tell about it.”

A record number of pastors, delegates and guests – 77 total – gathered for the celebration of ongoing ministry in the nine-year-old conference. They centered the meeting on the same theme as that of the denomination’s 2010 Annual Meeting, “Celebrating New Life in Christ.”

The morning began with the Lord’s Supper. Delegates then welcomed Access Covenant Church, which is located in Houston, Texas, and is pastored by Ted Law.

Delegates also approved a budget of $545,470 for 2011. The conference plans to hold its 10th Anniversary celebration at Mosaic Covenant Church in Houston, Texas.




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