Nominations for Central Conference Superintendent Being Accepted

CHICAGO, IL (November 2, 2016) – Nominations are being accepted for Central Conference superintendent.

central-conf-logoThe current superintendent, Jerome Nelson, has announced that he will retire at the conclusion of his third term on August 31, 2017.

The conference Executive Board serves as the search committee and will receive names for the entire month of November. Covenanters are invited to submit names for nomination or nominate themselves.

A nominee will be identified in the first quarter of 2017 and will be presented to the Annual Meeting of the conference in April 2017 for action. The elected candidate will be installed at the June 2017 ECC Annual Meeting.

Dan Teefey, chair of the Central Conference Executive Board, praised Nelson’s leadership. “For well over a decade Jerome has led the Central Conference with passion, energy, and faithfulness. He has pioneered unique partnerships that have empowered the conference to plant a diverse range of churches, pursue justice, and revitalize critical moment congregations. We are grateful for Jerome’s service to our conference and are excited to see where God leads us next.”

The job description is posted online.




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