PCP Seeks Personal Stories of Paul Carlson Connections

By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (June 6, 2014) — Paul Carlson Partnership is seeking stories from people who knew the martyr for whom the ministry is named or who have been impacted by the ministry in some way, even if indirectly.

The stories are being collected as the partnership commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of Paul Carlson’s death. The physician and missionary was killed in 1964 at the age of 36 by rebels in Congo. Paul Carlson Partnership was formed shortly afterward and has fostered economic development and medical care in the region ever since.

Nicole Weldon, communications and resource development manager, compares the stories they are seeking to threads in a tapestry.

“For centuries artists around the world have woven fibers together to become something more than the sum of their parts,” she says. “Though often relegated to museums, tapestries hang ready to tell a story to anyone who will stop and look. Stories of bravery, relationship, loss, and hope that might not otherwise have anything in common are all joined by the threads that create the entire piece.”

Weldon adds that the ministry is seeking photos as well as stories. Either should be emailed to her at nicole.weldon(a)paulcarlson.org. The stories will be edited and used in multiple ways throughout the year.

In a recent interview at Covenant Offices, Congo Covenant Church President Jules Mboka said the stories of many Congolese people would be far different if not for the partnership’s work.

“Without Paul Carlson Partnership, our medical system would be at a much lower level than it is right now,” Mboka said. “So even though life is difficult and people are economically poor, they can go there and be treated. Without the medical system, as it is right now, many, many more people would be dying, so it is a very important thing the Paul Carlson Partnership is doing, and we are grateful for that.”






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