By Don Meyer
CHICAGO, IL (May 11, 2010) – Hardly a week goes by that we do not receive a few comments from readers on stories published as part of the Covenant online news report.
We will share from time to time some of those responses generated through the “comments” link attached to each published story. This kind of feedback is very helpful to our Covenant News Service staff as we seek to identify and publish stories of great interest to a broad spectrum of online readers of this report.
Following are comments relating to recently published stories, edited in some cases for length. To read a particular story of interest, click on the headline.
Civility: A Reflection of Our Christian Witness
Lucy Sharkey of Youngstown, OH, writes: I was so pleased to see this article. As Christians we should always be civil to each other and others who do not share our point of view. It’s part of our witness to the world. Thanks for addressing this topic!
Marketplace Provides Way to Support Distant Communities
Nancy Coble of Greensboro, NC, writes: I like the story of Marketplace and I am very committed to helping women in developing countries have a better life. Thank you for sharing your work with others.
New ECC Church Launches Today in Las Vegas
Ivonne Leavell of Las Vegas, NV, writes: I’m extremely happy to see that the Covenant Church has finally decided to enter Las Vegas. While this new Hispanic ministry is a great start, I sincerely think the church has a great need to realize the great opportunities of ministry in this city of over two million people. While the strip of casinos has a definite influence in certain areas, few people outside Nevada recognize that nowadays there is a full-functioning city . . . where many people are not connected to the casinos. There are big corporations, businesses and educational systems and programs. Vegas revenue comes from tourism, family entertainment, shopping and conferences and conventions, not from gambling. The spiritual needs of the people are just as important as in any other part of the world – but, most Christian churches have been very slow in recognizing the great need to plant new ministries to meet this need. I’m sincerely happy to see that the Evangelical Covenant Church is being proactive, taking real steps to further the Lord’s message in this area.
Advancing the Mission Key Focus for Executive Board
Randall Johnson of Wheaton, IL, writes: I’ve found the “Resolution on Criminal Justice” that is referenced in the article about Gary Walter’s presentation to the Executive Board. But, I cannot find the Covenant Resource Paper – “The ECC and the Ministry of Compassion, Mercy, and Justice.” Can you help me?
Editor’s note: The document is posted online and can be found in the Annual Meeting area of the Covenant website, under the tab “Agenda.” Locate the desired document and click the link.
Older Stories
Occasionally we receive comments about stories published some time ago. Most often, readers come across them while topically perusing search engines or when visiting the online Covenant News Archive maintained by Covenant News Service. We appreciate reader comments at any time about any story that has appeared as part of our online Covenant news report.
Mission Work in Russia Becoming All But Impossible
Darren Mason of Redwood City, CA, writes: The Reghetas’ situation is difficult for sure. The Russian government has been taking steps since the late 90s to limit the influx of unestablished religious organizations. The upside is that many dangerous cults have been prevented from gaining a foothold in Russia. The downside is many good people who did not begin some type of religious work in the early 90s find it very difficult to become established in Russia now. I think this presents a unique opportunity to consider non-traditional methods of working in countries like Russia: live-work visas to start viable businesses, starting or joining official projects that benefit Russian society, while being a living witness. There are still opportunities to partner with established and registered Russian churches that can provide a place for “religious teaching” visas. There is still great need and opportunity for God to move in Russia, but I believe it will require creativity and some ingenuity.
Covenant Gospelaires Release CD Collection
Jeanne Doughterty of Littleton, CO, writes: I’m trying to find the lyrics to “His Sovereign Love” which is on the “Piano Brilliance” album by Charles Magnuson in the early 1960’s. Can you help? It is a beautiful song!
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