Stark New PSWC Associate Superintendent

CONCORD, CA (June 20, 2016) — Pat Stark has been named the new associate superintendent for the Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWC) and will give oversight to churches in Arizona, San Diego, and Orange County.

starkHe currently serves as pastor of Genesis Covenant Church in Phoenix, Arizona, which he planted in 2003. Along with making disciples, Genesis is known for its partnership with The Rock at 32nd Street and Alice Cooper’s Teen Center, nonprofits that empower people through tutoring, GED classes, the arts, and more.

Stark previously served at Paradise Valley Covenant Church in Phoenix, where he was did youth ministry and outreach to “spiritual seekers.” He also has served two terms on the PSWC Executive Board.

Looking forward to his new job, Stark said, “After being in the PSWC for 21 years, I get excited about walking alongside pastors and leaders who I already know really well. I think that God has blessed us with some incredibly gifted people and I get excited about the pouring into and learning from the best of the best!”

He will begin his new duties September 1.




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