Historic First Presbyterian Church in Seneca Falls, New York
SENECA FALLS, NY (December 16, 2016) – Greg Asimakoupoulos says he was humbled by the opportunity to preach at the historic First Presbyterian Church in Seneca Falls during the recent It’s a Wonderful Life festival on the seventieth anniversary of the classic movie. Seneca Falls bills itself as the community that inspired the fictional town of Bedford Falls, where the movie takes place.
It was the first time in the festival’s 20-year history that a religious component has been added to the program. “The organizing committee decided to add the religious element this year because the theme of It’s a Wonderful Life is the worth of every individual, the love of a family, and faith in God,” says Asimakoupoulos, who serves as the chaplain at Covenant Shores Retirement Community in Mercer Island, Washington.
Asimakoupoulos was invited to participate because of his longtime friendship with Karolyn Grimes, who played Zuzu Bailey in the movie, and because he had written the devotional book Finding God in It’s a Wonderful Life four years ago.

Asimakoupoulos with Jimmy Hawkins who played the son Tom Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life
Asimakoupoulos’s sermon was a spin on the plot twist in the movie. Titled “What If You’d Never Been Born?” it was a letter to the Christ child. “I imagined what it would have been like had Jesus never been born,” he says.
“Being in Seneca Falls and seeing the thousands of people who gathered for an entire weekend to celebrate the movie’s impact was mindboggling,” Asimakoupoulos said. He was impressed by the newly established year-round museum dedicated to the film. It includes original props and costumes and personal effects from the actors that have been donated.

Among the highlights for chaplain Greg Asimakoupoulos was meeting some of the actors from the film. Carol Coombs Mueller played Janie Bailey, the daughter who played the piano and cried, “Oh, Daddy,” when George Bailey (played by Jimmy Stewart) lost his temper.
There is no real proof that Bedford Falls was based on Seneca Falls, but the bridge George Bailey jumps off and the town itself bear a significant similarity to the New York town located between Rochester and Syracuse.
An excerpt from Asimakoupoulos’s sermon:
“Jesus, if you’d never been born we would have no way of knowing that God so loved the world that he was willing to give his only Son so that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.
If you’d never been born, you would have no way of personally identifying with the plight of the stepchild, the stresses of the homeless, or the refugee escaping an intolerable life. For you began your life without a home to call your own, raised by a father who wasn’t your own, and were a victim of a terrorist’s plot to annihilate innocent children….You experienced these aspects of the human condition so that you can empathize and stand with those who feel like no one understands.
Had you never been born, the world would never know the artistic beauty of Michelangelo’s Pieta or the glorious chorus of Handel’s “Hallelujah.” We’d not know how a Bach chorale or a Gaither gospel song could move us to tears. If you’d never been born, we wouldn’t know the joy that comes from loving our neighbors as ourselves or that we are called to the gold standard of doing to others what we’d want others to do to us. Had you never been born we would not have the assurance that death has been swallowed up in victory.”
Greg is one of my nearest and dearest friends. He surprises us daily as he reaches out to so many people and touches down in so many places with the transcendent message of “It’s a Wonderful Life” in Jesus Christ. Covenanters can be proud of their itinerant ambassador.