CHICAGO, IL (November 8, 2016) – Renée N. Hale has been named the new executive director of the Paul Carlson Partnership (PCP), Al Tizon, executive minister of Serve Globally, announced today.
Renée and her husband, Jeff, served as missionaries in West Africa for 14 years. During her missionary service, she facilitated indigenous worship, planted churches, trained church planters, and provided strategic direction and supervision to church planting teams and support staff in six West African countries.
Hale earned a doctorate in strategic leadership from Regent University. She is the cofounder and lead consultant for WellSpirit Consulting Group, which has served businesses and organizations that focus on helping people in areas that include education and healthcare.
“My faith informs my management consulting practice as I seek to live and model life in the Spirit, while serving secular businesses, nonprofits, and churches,” she said. Hale also previously served as executive director of the Lansing, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce.
“We believe that in light of Renée’s strong missional faith, organizational leadership skills, team spirit, and her missionary experience, she is God’s person to lead PCP into the future,” said Tizon.
Tom Verdoorn, interim executive director and chair of the PCP board, said, “We on the search committee are very enthusiastic about Renée’s strategic leadership skills and background experience in West Africa.” Verdoorn will continue serving as PCP board chair.
Hale is also a musician and earned bachelor and master degrees in violin performance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She cofounded Stringsong Arts with pianist Cheryl Kapteyn. On the group’s website, Hale writes, “When I’m performing music I realize what a true miracle it is to play the violin! Whether I’m leading worship in church or playing at a concert, I am worshiping God in my heart.”
The duo has released two albums: “King of Love” with a companion devotional guide, and “King of Joy,” a Christmas CD.
Hale will step into her new role on Monday, November 14, 2016.