CHICAGO, IL (December 2, 2015) — Now online, the latest issue of the Covenant Quarterly focuses on chaplaincy and pastoral care, and includes reflections that can be applied by any caregiver.
Authors in the current issue are Robert Hubbard Jr., retired professor of Old Testament at North Park Theological Seminary and former Navy chaplain; Tim Fretheim, chaplain at Vancouver’s Forensic Psychiatric Hospital; Joel Jueckstock and Kyle Vlach, both chaplains and clinical pastoral education supervisors in the Twin Cities; and Amy Simpson, senior editor of Leadership Journal, who addresses how the church can assist families struggling with mental illness.
Additional articles and opportunities to share thoughts are posted on the journal’s companion site, Forum: Dialoging with the Covenant Quarterly. Current articles posted on the site include an interview with Jeff Saville, who has served as a Navy chaplain for 23 years and is chairperson of the Covenant Chaplains Association.

Elizabeth Pierre
Elizabeth Pierre, who teaches counseling and pastoral care, contributes an article, “Not So Happy Holidays? Ministering to the Grieving in a Season of Joy.”
In coming weeks content will include original art from Kari Lindholm-Johnson, a response to Amy Simpson’s article by Covenant pastor Stephani Thompson, as well as additional resources.
The Covenant Quarterly is the ministerial journal of the denomination and is published by Covenant Publications through North Park Theological Seminary. It is available to ministers and laity.