Where would Joshua be without Moses? Helen Keller without Anne Sullivan? What about Barney Fife without Andy Taylor?
Mentors shape who we are. They encourage us, ground us, and guide us as we live into who we are and who we want to become.
In an upcoming issue, the Companion plans to feature conversations between mentors and mentees, between long-time experts in a given field and younger counterparts. We’re looking for nominations of people in the Covenant who have encouraged others as they try to find their way in the church, the community, or their vocation. Nominees can be teachers, church members, professionals, experts in a field, faithful leaders, or faithful followers who have entered into the lives of others to provide wisdom, guidance, and support.
A wide variety of perspectives and professions are welcome and needed. We’re looking for people of all ages and vocations to tell their stories. To join the conversation, please fill out the form below, or contact Cathy Norman Peterson at cathy.normanpeterson@covchurch.org.