KANSAS CITY, MO (June 26, 2015) – Videos of the entire business session and worship services of The Evangelical Covenant Church’s 130th Annual Meeting are posted on the denomination’s YouTube Channel. Videos posted today include President Gary Walter’s annual report to the delegates as well as his update on how the denomination is addressing issues of human sexuality, presentation of the Irving C. Lambert Award, and the Friday evening worship service.

In his sermon during tonight’s worship service, Klyne Snodgrass, who recently retired from 41 years of teaching at North Park Seminary, preached on Romans 5, “the mountaintop chapter of Romans.”

During a special litany, Covenant leaders wept, lamented, and prayed for the church to respond to the murders at Emanuel African Methodist Church in Charlotte, South Carolina, and the racial division in the nation.

Newly installed Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples Michelle Sanchez helped lead the communion service.