MERCER ISLAND, WA (March 10, 2014) — Al White, who served Covenant High School in Alaska for more than two decades as a missionary, died Sunday. He was 92.
White was born February 10, 1922, in Deming, New Mexico. He graduated from Arizona State University, where he earned a master of arts degree.
He married Gladys Dickson on June 18, 1944.
Initially making a two-year commitment to teach at the high school, White wound up serving 30 years, from 1956 to 1986. He taught several subjects, primarily industrial arts and English, and became the school’s principal in 1963.
“He made a very deep and significant contribution to the people here,” said Curtis Ivanoff, field director for the Evangelical Covenant Church of Alaska.
Services will be at 2 p.m. March 22 at Evergreen Covenant Church (formerly Mercer Island Covenant Church). Memorial gifts can be sent to Unalakleet Covenant Church Youth Group C/O Pastor Joel Oyoumick, Unalakleet Alaska.
I taught under Al at Covenant High from 1969-1971. He was a gracious, patient, and wonderful Christian gentleman and also significant role model and mentor for me. Over the years I came to appreciate more and more his God-given wisdom and temperament. He leaves a rich legacy of faith, commitment, and integrity. Peace be to his memory.
“To God be the glory!” Rest in peace Mr. White. You helped so many throughout the US, but especially in Alaska. It’s time for your prize – a Mansion over the Hilltop. Thank you and Mrs. White for your servanthood and message of Faith, Hope and Love. To all the White family, God be with you…Aarigaa Maatnagu!
Al was a good man and friend. I will miss his gentle soul. Some of the plants that he and Gladys, gave my late wife, are still doing well after all these years. I remember him telling me about his sister hiding in a cellar. This is when Pancho Villa raided Columbus, New Mexico. And how he helped build the house, with his Dad, on Fairpark here in Eagle Rock. Be at Peace old friend.
Al and Gladys taught me about faithfulness.
Our sympathy to the family at the loss of their father. My heartfelt sympathy to daughter Florence (Gustafson), Keith and their children.
I had the pleasure of serving on the Board of Elders here at Eagle Rock Covenant when Al was chairman. I loved his gentle spirit and kind heart. He was truly a wonderful man of God.
We are so grateful for Al’s many years of faithful ministry. Peace and love to his family.