Homeless Man’s Prayer Plucks Heartstrings

SPOKANE, WA (June 6, 2013) – Editor’s note: Following is an article that appeared in the monthly newsletter of First Covenant Church of Spokane, written by Pastor Rob Bryceson. The Street Wise kitchen is part of the congregation’s ministry to the homeless. Click here to read an accompanying article on the church.

By Rob Bryceson

On Friday, May 2, Tonia’s phone started buzzing with several Air Force personnel telling her that a plane had gone down in Kyrgyzastan. Some of the flight crew were from our own 93 Squadron of Fairchild.

Because so many of these crewmen, officers and wives have worked in our Street Wise kitchen, they wanted her to spread the word to pray. News came on Saturday of the casualties. Captain Victoria Pinckney had worked in our kitchen a couple of times and left behind a young seven-month-old son.

On Sunday morning, May 4, we took some time out to pray for this terrible loss and for the families and friends left behind. One of the prayers was offered by a homeless guy we had seen flying a cardboard sign by Dick’s Burgers as we pulled into church that morning. His prayer was beautiful and poignant.

It was so touching to me that a homeless man would pray a heartfelt prayer for the family of a woman who was from California and died on the other side of the world, but had touched his life through her self-sacrifice and willingness to serve a stranger. That love she gave was being given back through that beautiful prayer.

They didn’t even know each other. I cannot help but think of the many ways we touch lives through our words and actions. And God is keeping the record.




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