Survivor: Rwandan Christians Were Prepared to Die
LABOLT, SD (February 27, 2013) – The Christians in the Rwandan village where Esther Nyiransabimana Myers once lived had been prepared to die during the genocide that horrified the world in 1994, she told two recent gatherings sponsored by the LaBolt Covenant Church.
In her talks entitled “From Despair to Triumph,” Myers said the villagers had been warned through dreams and visions of their fate. She had been almost disappointed that they told her she would live so she could share the gospel and their story to others.
The villagers had been inspired by the good news of the gospel that they would be with Jesus.
Myers told of converting to Christianity as a young teen, which led her to be rejected by her family. She learned of the faith from Christians in her neighborhood during her early years.
Myers spoke at the nearby town of Milbank. It was the first time the congregation had sponsored a speaker at a site outside their church, which desires to be more regional in focus.
Sandy Relief Assistance Continues to be Needed

Relief cleanup work continues
BROOKLYN, NY (February 27, 2013) – Michael Carrion, pastor of Promised Land Covenant Church, says he wants to make sure that Covenanters know that although the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy is no longer front-page news, it remains a reality for tens of thousands of people.
He noted that the northeast region of the country is entering the coldest part of the winter months.
Restoring the affected areas will take a minimum of seven to 10 years, he says. Despite all the continuing work, “We aren’t even scratching the surface of the devastation.”
Carrion says supplies for construction are needed as are skilled workers. To help the continuing work, donations can be made to Covenant World Relief, which is forwarding the funds to the ministries.
Covenanters Among Presenters at Justice Conference
PHILADELPHIA, PA (February 27, 2013) – Five Evangelical Covenant Church ministers as well as a member of an urban Covenant congregation were among the main speakers and workshop leaders during a Justice Conference last Friday and Saturday.
The two-day annual event is designed to promote dialogue around issues such as human trafficking, poverty, HIV/AIDS, and human rights.
Presenters included Eugene Cho, pastor of Quest Covenant Church in Seattle, Washington; Soong-Chan Rah, associate professor of church growth & evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary; Mae Cannon, World Vision USA senior director of advocacy and outreach for the Middle East; Brenda Salter McNeil, associate professor of reconciliation studies and staff member at Quest; and Sharon Lisa Harper, a member of Metro Hope Covenant Church and director of mobilization for Sojourners.
Other speakers included Lynne Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church, Gary Haugen, president of International Justice Mission; and John Perkins of the Christian Community Development Association.