Conferences Get ‘New Look,’ Facebook page
CONCORD, CA (January 28, 2013) – The Pacific Southwest Conference has a new logo. The colorful overlapping circles represent the mosaic of diverse churches in the conference.
The circles also represent the Covenant’s mission priorities of starting and strengthening churches, making and deepening disciples, developing leaders, serving globally, and loving mercy – doing justice.
The Central Conference also has set up a new Facebook page. The page provides an additional opportunity for the conference to interact with churches and individuals.
Adolescent Health Issues Focus of NPU Event
CHICAGO, IL (January 28, 2013) – North Park University will host a daylong event, “Talking About Health: A Dialogue with Health Professionals and Youth Pastors,” from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on February 16.
The keynote dialogue, “Risk and Resilience,” will feature a discussion between neuroscientist Dr. Duke Han of Rush University Medical Center, and Daniel White Hodge, director of the Center for Youth Ministry Studies at North Park.
Two workshops will be presented: “To Life!: Healthy Living,” and “Risk and Resilience: Mental Health.”
Cost is $30. Nursing CEUs are available for an additional $15. For more information on the workshops and registration, visit the event website.
“Talking About Health” is a collaboration involving the Center for Youth Ministry Studies and the Department of Nursing, sponsored in part by the Good Shepherd Initiative of the Covenant Chaplains Association.