CHICAGO, IL (January 11, 2013) – Donn Engebretson, executive vice president of the Evangelical Covenant Church since 2001, is shifting responsibilities to a newly created role as director for Global Advancement.
The position will principally focus on advancing support for the Covenant’s global initiatives through both church and donor partnerships, as well as resourcing congregations in stewardship planning.
“I really appreciate Donn’s openness to this new role,” said President Gary Walter. “He is exceptionally well-suited for this position. I am grateful we have someone of his caliber and heart on the team. Donn has been a consistent champion for generous living. This is an important time between the financial headwinds impacting all non-profits and the very critical opportunities for ministry that are ahead of us.”
Engebretson brings a wealth of experience to this new area of focus, having served 20 years as lead pastor in local Covenant churches, as executive minister of the Department of Ordered Ministry from 1998 to 2001, and most recently as executive vice president.
Engebretson will be honored for his service as executive vice president at least twice, first during the upcoming Midwinter Conference in February in San Diego, California, and again during the Covenant Annual Meeting in June in Detroit, Michigan. Engebretson gave key leadership to both events, making both venues appropriate for reaching the widest audience. While Engebretson has begun several aspects of his new role, Midwinter will mark the full transition point.
Evelyn Johnson, who had been serving as director of special projects in the president’s office, has been appointed by the Covenant Executive Board to serve as interim executive vice president. Johnson comes to this role with significant experience, formerly heading the department of Christian Education and Discipleship (now Christian Formation) and serving as superintendent of the Pacific Southwest Conference.
She now assumes responsibility for planning and implementation of major Covenant events, including Annual Meeting and Midwinter Conferences, as well as administration of various governance and operational matters.
“Evelyn’s deep experience and gifts help her step right in, and Donn has been instrumental in paving the transition,” Walter said. “In both Donn and Evelyn we are blessed to have two individuals who care deeply and serve capably.”
The public is invited to the Midwinter reception honoring Engebretson, which will be held following the evening worship service on Thursday, February 7.
Your dad will be proud of you;and your heavenly father also.!
Lars and I send greetings
I can’t help but know that God has great things coming with this transition – praying life into both Donn and Evelyn’s ministries. I’ve been blessed to have gleaned from messages Donn has brought both in worship and in teaching about stewardship. Thanks for sharing God’s print on your heart Donn.
Dear Evelyn and Donn, thank you for your faithfulness,…Donn we send you on to your next ministry opportunities and challenges in a manner that honors God. Blessings to both of you and thank you for your service.
Sorry I won’t be there to honor Donn–one of my favorite people!