Covenant World Relief Funds at Work in China

In our culture, no singular event identifies an individual as “adult.” Rites of passage vary – getting married, starting a career, gaining financial independence, joining the military, or something else altogether. Everyone experiences such transitions at their own pace, if at all, and The Evangelical Covenant Church is working to provide discipleship opportunities specifically designed for anyone navigating those early years of adulthood.

One offering is the newly formed Covenant Schools of Discipleship (CSD). These learning communities take various forms: a traditional academic classroom setting, an experiential immersion, or a service-based learning model. This collection of educational programs and experiences is ultimately aimed at furthering the character and wisdom of Christian disciples – no matter where you’re from, who has nurtured you, what your marital status is, or where your vocational aspirations will take you.

Students may choose from CSD options that are as short as one month or as long as one year (or somewhere in between). Intentional learning communities bring teachers, mentors, and students together for a defined time around shared educational experiences aimed at furthering one’s love of God and neighbor. Each expression is grounded in the mission and identity of The Evangelical Covenant Church. And each community reflects the diversity of the kingdom of God.

Come join us in the journey.




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