WALNUT CREEK, CA (March 5, 2010) – Outreach Magazine has named Evangelical Covenant Church Pastor Mae Cannon’s book, Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for a Better World, as a Resource of the Year.
The magazine identified 25 resources among several categories. Cannon’s book was recognized as a justice resource.
The magazine said its list “is a celebration of the best books, DVDs and curricula produced to help the Church and Christians reach out in areas such as evangelism, compassionate service and cross-cultural ministries.”
Nearly 160 resources published between November 1, 2008, and October 31, 2009, were submitted to Outreach for consideration. Editors narrowed the field to 110 nominees.
The magazine then enlisted the help of an expert for each of 12 categories.
Greensboro Church Expands Missions Conference
GREENSBORO, NC – Trinity Covenant Church used to have only one missions conference a year, but the overwhelming response has led them to host a second event, which will be held March 19-21 and will focus on “Building Our World Vision.”
The spring conference will highlight international missionaries and mission opportunities, and the fall conference will address local and domestic missionaries and opportunities.
Speakers include Baxter and Margie Swenson as well as Tim and Helen Smith with the Department of World Mission; Dr. Alynne McLean, founder of Science With a Mission; and Marti and Emma Jovin from Haiti.
For more information, call the church at 336-299-9402.
‘Google Covenant Church?’ Not Likely
TOPEKA, KS – Topeka Mayor Bill Bunten has renamed this Kansas city “Google” for the month of March, but an associate pastor of Brookwood Covenant Church says the congregation has no plans to do the same.
Bunten changed the name as part of an effort to convince Google to install its ultra-fast fiber-optic broadband Internet in the town of Google.
Joan Porter said Brookwood will not follow suit, but acknowledged, “You know, there are some possibilities connected to that name.”